How to Animate on FlipaClip Tutorial for Beginners

Today’s Flipaclip tutorial we will learn how to animate using Flipaclip an android phone but this will work for iphones as well so the app i’m going to be using for animating on our phones is called flipaclip. There’s also other apps that i would recommend like rough animator which is about five dollars and is also a very good app and also procreate but in this tutorial flipaclip is free and pretty much accessible to everyone so that’s the one we’re going to use. A flexible Framework for predictive diagnosis

We’re going to open up our app store and we’re going to type in flipaclip to download it then click the install button so now that you’ve got flipaclip downloaded let’s open it and i’ll just turn my screen horizontal so we can see what we’re working on it’ll ask some questions when you’re first installing i don’t want to give away how old i am 22 then when it first starts up there’s a little tutorial We recommend checking out its default tutorial just so you get familiar with.

How to Use

All the tools but we’ll also go over the tools in this video so we going to click dismiss for now so to start a new project. We’re going to click on the plus button to create a new project give a name to your project. We’ll call this one first animation click done and then we can choose a background for our animation so it comes pre-installed with all these backgrounds. We already loaded onto it or you can use the paint bucket to select a color use the image gallery or you can take a photo with your camera button.

Here but we’ll just leave it blank for now and then for the canvas size you can select all these different default options we going to select youtube 1080p because that’ll give us the highest resolution for our project. Then click the check mark to say ok and for frames per second.

How to animate on Flipaclip for Android

You can think of this as how slow or how fast your animation is so for this project we’re going to do 12 frames per second i recommend starting this way because it’ll give you a nice smooth animation but you also won’t have to draw as many frames if you’re okay with drawing a lot of frames 24 frames per second is pretty standard as well and will give you a nice smooth.

Animation so we’ll set our project to 12 frames per second press the check mark and we’re all ready to go so select create project and we have our project created so for some phones you’ll be able to rotate your canvas using your two fingers and rotating some phones will not be able to support.

This but we’ll turn it on for this example just so you can see what that looks like and when you first open up flipaclip all your tools are on the left side your animation timeline is on the bottom your layers is on the bottom right and your play button for your animation is on the right then you have your tools for your canvas on the top right to move around your canvas and flipaclip you can use two fingers to zoom in and out and you can also rotate it if you enabled that option before so zooming in can be really useful for drawing like fine details for example and to zoom back out you can select this four arrows on the top right here and that’ll reset your view back to a hundred percent so the pen is selected by default when you first start out and if you select with your finger and just start drawing.

it’ll start drawing for you if you want to undo just click the backwards button here and to redo select the forward button if you select any of the tools after it’s been clicked on already you’ll get your options for your tools so this top option if we click it we can select pencil paint brush or highlighter and then the next option is the size of your brush so if you press and hold you can see a little size option and then if you drag up you can get a bigger brush and if you select that circle and drag down you can get a smaller brush and then the square below that.

Animate for FREE on iPad: FlipaClip Beginner Course

how you select your color

so you’ll see that it has all these default color palettes next to it i like selecting the sketches palette personally and then you’ll see these colors appear on the right so you can select different colors on your palettes or you can create your own palette by clicking this add palette button at the bottom of it or you can select what color you want on the outside ring and then selecting how dark or how light it is in the middle my next tool is my eraser so i can select that and then select it again for the options and again you have the size as your first option and then you have the hardness of eraser as the next option so it’ll have either a really soft outline so you can get really soft edges or if you drag it all the way to the bottom you’ll have really hard edges for really.


solid erasing

and then the next option is the

transparency amount so if i didn’t want

to erase it completely i could set this

to say 50

and then erase it and it’ll only erase

our drawing 50 percent of the way

there’s also the paint bucket fill tool

so if i create a shape

and then use my paint bucket tool and

press in the middle it’ll fill it in

and again you can click on it again and

then press the color button to select

what color you’d like it to fill in with

the next tool i want to go over is the

lasso tool so the lasso tool is very


so what you can use it for is selecting

a part of your drawing

and then you’ll see this transformation

box around it so we can select our

corners to scale our drawing

or we can select the sides to scale it

only on one side

or we can select the circle to rotate

our drawing and we can also move this

anchor point in the middle here

so that it rotates along a certain point

of the drawing

so this is good for say moving arms

around or moving the head around on the

point where the pivot would be which

would be the neck

and you can also select flip horizontal

on the side here or flip vertical

or delete it entirely with the trash can

when you’re done transforming your


just select off of it and the lasso tool

will disappear

so the next thing i want to go over is

layers for your animation

so your layers panel is on the bottom

right here right where this stack of

paper is

and that’s kind of what you can think of

layers as is stacks of paper

so if i select it my sketch layer is on

the bottom here and then my ink layer is

on the top

if i want to add a layer i can just

click this plus button on the bottom

here NoxPlayer

and it’ll add a layer to delete a layer

i can swipe

to the left and i’ll get options to

either lock the layer

copy the layer or delete the layer if i

want to change the opacity for a layer

like i did with my sketch layer here

i can press and hold and i’ll get the

same opacity

slider so i can drag up to make it more


or drag it down to make it more


so i have it at 50 right now and if i

want to make it invisible

i can tap it instead of holding it and

you’ll see a little eyeball with a cross

through it showing that it’s invisible

but it’s still there and to rename a

layer i can tap on the name

and rename it it’s important to name

your layers just so you have everything

nice and organized

always a good habit to get into so for a

quick example of how layers work i can

add a layer

call it color so if i color in this


you can see the color is appearing

behind the ink layer

but if i take that layer and drag it on

top you’ll see my color is now in front

of my ink layer

so this is typically how i like to

arrange my layers i like to have the

sketch on the bottom at about fifty


my color layer in the middle and then my

ink layer on top

so now that we know how to draw and flip

a clip let’s animate something

so the example we’re going to use when

we animate is a bouncing ball

it’s a really great exercise when you’re

first learning to animate and it’s kind

of a cool thing to show off once you’re


so to start off draw a small ball at the

top of your canvas

or if you’re having trouble drawing a

ball you can use this ruler tool

at the top here and these are the shapes

that you can draw with the ruler

so we’ll select circle bring in the

sides to make the circle smaller

and then drag it in place using the

square in the middle and then whatever

tool you have selected in your drawing


you can trace around the circle like so

and you’ll get a perfect circle

then just click the ruler icon to get

rid of the ruler so to add a new frame

in your animation simply click the plus

button down in your animation timeline

at the bottom

and this will add a new frame you’ll see

a ghost of the image before

this is called onion skin and it allows

us to see where we need to draw the next


in our animation to turn the onion skin

on and off

you can click the three dots on the top

right and select this toggle for onion


and the way animation works is we’re

basically drawing the same thing

just in a slightly different position so

for this next drawing

you can either draw the next circle or

you can go back to frame one by

selecting it like so

and then clicking this copy button on

the top and then go to frame two

and click the paste which is this little

clipboard icon

and it’ll paste the same drawing but

we’ll need to move it into position

so we’ll select our lasso tool select

our drawing

and we’ll move it just slightly down

so the way a bouncing ball works is

gravity slowly affects something right

so these first few drawings are going to

be really close to each other

this is called an ease in so we’ll

select off of it

we’ll go to our next frame by clicking

the plus button to add a new frame

we’ll press paste again to paste that

same ball select it again

and this time we want to move it even

further down

so we’ll do this a couple more times i’m

going to add another frame

paste it again lasso around and then

move it down

but this time we’re going to do what’s

called a stretch drawing

to stretch this ball we’re going to

squeeze it in on the sides by selecting

the side transform

squeezing it in a bit and then for as

much as you want to squeeze it in

you want to create an equal amount of

stretch on the opposite side so we’ll

stretch it out

a little bit that way and then the next

drawing is going to be

even more extreme this will be our last

stretch drawing

so squash and stretch is a very

important principle in animation

most everything moves with squash

stretch and it’s a very important thing


practice and a bouncing ball is a very

basic example of it

so for our last drawing we’ll have it

stretch all the way at the bottom like


and then when it finally impacts the

floor we’ll have this ball

do a squash drawing so instead of

stretching out because it’s moving so


it’s squishing down because it’s

impacting the ground so we’ll have it

squished down like so

so now that the ball is squashed on the

ground we want to have it bounce back up

in reverse order

so we can draw the frames again or we

can copy and reuse the frames we’ve

already drawn

so go back one frame hold down your

finger on that frame and you’ll see a

bunch of options for it

you can insert blank frames by selecting

the plus buttons on the left or the


this is good for adding in betweens we

can delete the frame with the trash can

or we can copy it with the copy button

right here

so once we selected that we have that

frame copied then we go back to our last


hold down our finger again and select

the paste button with the arrow pointing

to the right

and that’ll paste that same drawing onto

the right side

then we want to go back one more frame

which is frame four in this case

hold down our finger copy that go to the

end of our animation hold down our


and paste to the right and we just

repeat this process until we finish

copying and pasting our animation to the


and i won’t copy and paste the first

drawing since that’s the first drawing

in our loop

to test out our animation we can click

the play button on the right here

and you’ll see we have our bouncing ball

if we wanted to add an in-between

between any of these frames to smooth it


say for example from the squash drawing

up to this stretch drawing

we can add a blank frame in between by

holding down our mouse button

and clicking the plus with the arrow

pointing to the right and that’ll add a

blank frame

in between then we can put an in-between


pasting our ball again and then just

putting a little in between so we can

smooth it out a little bit

and now you’ll see when we play our

animation it’s been smoothed out for

that frame so that’s how you can add

more in-betweens to kind of smooth out

your animation

remember that the more drawings you do

the smoother your animation is gonna be

but also the slower it’s gonna be

so now that we’re finished with our

animation let’s export it for youtube

so to export your animation click the

three button up on the top right

select make movie and we’re gonna leave

all these options the same but you can

change them and then to start exporting

it we’re going to select make movie

and now our video has been created if

you want to upload it to youtube just

click the share button

and select youtube from the selection

here so now that we know how to do a

very basic animation

and flipaclip let’s talk about how to

do a lip sync character

so we have our character already colored

in but we haven’t done a mouth animation


to add audio to your animation click the

music note on the bottom left of your

screen then to add audio

click the plus button on the bottom

right and with the album picture

you can add a downloaded piece of audio

or with the microphone

you can press the microphone and press

and hold to record your own audio

let’s record something right now why

hello there

and you can play to preview your audio

why hello there

and then press the check mark to add the

audio to your animation

and then drag it in to where you want it

to be and we don’t need the silence at

the beginning so

click the audio to select it and then

drag this bar

to get rid of the beginning silent part

and then click and drag and move your

audio back to the beginning

and you can also trim the silence at the

end here when you’re done editing your


press the down arrow on the top left of

your screen and you’ll see the waveform

down at the bottom of your animation


and if you click and drag your timeline

you’ll hear your audio do what’s called

scrubbing so this is how you can see

what sounds you need to animate to for

example in

y you might start with an o shape like y

and go into a and then i

so let’s do that but first off we need

to make this frame hold for as long as

we want so we need to copy this frame by

pressing and holding

clicking copy and then paste to the

right and keep doing that until you

covered your entire

animation this is how you create a hold


if you wanted your character moving you

would want to animate your moving

character before doing any lip sync

lip sync is really something you should

do at the very end of your animation

so now that we have our hold frame all


let’s create a new layer so click our

layers button press the plus to create a

new layer and we’ll call this layer

mouth and for the first frame we’ll do a

closed mouth shape with just a smile

and then we’ll scrub through our audio

to see what frame number two sounds like

so we’re going to make an o shape and we

can zoom

in to better draw our mouth so we can

see better what we’re doing

and to give an example for which mouth

shapes would be best to draw

here is an example of a phenome chart if

you don’t know what kind of mouth shape

to draw try doing the sound in a mirror

and see what shape your mouth makes

and then for frame number three

it’s like an open a shape so i’ll draw a

mouth where you can see the teeth and

the tongue

and then i’ll use my paint bucket tool

to fill in the color of his mouth

and then for frame four

it’s sort of an e shape why and if you

ever want to reuse any of these mouth

shapes don’t forget to use the copy

button up at the top here and then paste

it where you want to reuse it

so we’ll go through and we’ll complete

this entire lip sync animation

a few moments later

so now we have our lip sync all finished

and if we play it why hello there why

hello there

we now have a talking character and

that’s how you animate and flipaclip

i hope this was helpful to you if it was

please leave a like and subscribe to my

youtube channel for

future animation tutorials don’t forget

to share this video with friends or

family who would also like to learn how

to animate on their phone

leave a comment down below to tell me

what you’re working on or if you have

any questions at all

thanks for checking out this tutorial on

how to animate on your phone and hope

you have a good day

take care guys i’ll see you next time



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